A new three-month exhibition featuring Ukrainian folk toys opens at the Toy Museum. On the initiative of Tomas Ivanauskas, the Cultural Attaché of the Republic of Lithuania, the two Toy Museums have merged in order to present the country's culture through the history of toys to their visitors. The first exhibition is opening at the Vilnius Toy Museum, while the second exhibition "Lithuanian Medieval Toys", organised by the Vilnius Toy Museum, will soon be presented at the Kyiv State Toy Museum.
Ukrainian folk toys reflect Ukraine's rich history, culture and traditions. Each region has its own unique style of toys, influenced by the local landscape, climate and customs. Traditional textile dolls, often used in ceremonies, have become symbols of identity and consolation in the current war. These dolls are even sent to soldiers as a sign of support.
Wooden toys, from furniture to toys that make a sound, are common in forested regions. Clay toys, especially whistles in the shape of animals, are popular throughout Ukraine. Cheese toys made from sheep's and cow's milk are characteristic of the Carpathians, and edible ceremonial biscuits are widespread throughout the country. Straw toys, such as rattles and dolls, were made by village craftsmen for seasonal events.
The exhibition in Vilnius is unique because it is not only sponsored by Ukrainian toymakers, but also celebrates the resilience of their culture, even in times of war. But for half a year, the toys made by more than 15 craftsmen and the entire collection assembled for the exhibition are handed over to the Toy Museum in Vilnius.